Burbank Hills Landscape Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to serve as the eyes and ears of the Association, and to work with homeowners, management and our landscaping vendor to ensure the continued upkeep and condition of the landscaping, irrigation, brush clearance, maintenance and esthetics of all common areas and Association real property.

Specific duties of the Landscape Committee will include:

  1. Advise and assist the Board on all matters concerning the landscaping and irrigation of the common areas of the Association.

  2. Conduct a monthly walkthrough with the landscape contractor and advise the Board regarding required improvements.

  3. Work annually with brush clearance vendor to ensure Association meets standards of city and county brush clearance regulations.

  4. Make recommendations to the Board about plants, shrubs or flowers that are appropriate for the common areas.

  5. Inspect all grounds and make recommendations for improvements or changes.

  6. Meet as needed with the contractors and management to discuss various landscape issues including completion and quality assurance.

  7. Complete special assignments as requested by the Board. Special assignments may include research and recommendations for specific improvements.

  8. Serve as the eye/ears of the Association by reviewing the condition of landscaping, maintenance, brush clearance, safety, and esthetics of all common areas and association real property.

  9. Provide ideas on how to improve the esthetics of all common areas.

  10. Organize and coordinate all self-help and volunteer efforts.

  11. Participate in the development of RFP and contract specifications relating to landscapingWe thank all committee members for their service to the community!

We thank all committee members for their service to the community!